How can we download and install the drivers of Hp Envy 5055 printer on Windows and Mac Operating system?
Hp Envy 5055 printer is known as the all-in-one printer that is known as one of the reliable digital colour printer available in the market. It is faster than the other printers when it comes to printing. It is suitable for small businesses and in house personal use at home. To start using the Hp Envy 5055 printer, you need to download and install the Hp Envy 5055 drivers in your device.
How to download Hp Envy 5055 Printer driver?
You can download the drivers of Hp Envy 5055 printer in Windows as well as Mac devices in simple and easy steps provided your operating system of the device supports the printer. Let us study them in detail:
How to download as well as install the drivers of Hp Envy 5055 all-in-one printer on Windows Operating system?
First of all, you need the supporting operating system on your Windows device, which could be any one of the following:
Windows 10 (32-Bit)
Windows 10 (64-Bit)
Windows 7 (32-Bit)
Windows 7 (64-Bit)
Windows 8 (32-Bit)
Windows 8 (64-Bit)
Windows 8.1 (32-Bit)
Windows 8.1 (64-Bit)
- To download the drivers of the Hp Envy 5055 all-in-one printer, click on the following link or paste it in any web browser to open the desired page
- Click on the ‘’Download’’ a file with the extension ‘’.exe’’ will be downloaded on your device.
- When you see that ‘’.exe’’ extension file is downloaded on your windows device, then you open the folder where it was stored.
- Now you double click on the file which is downloaded in order to install it.
- You will see a new dialog box opens up on your device, with the option of ‘’Install’’ button. As soon as you click on the ‘’Install’’ button, the installation process will start.
- You will also be asked to accept the installation agreement, this can be done by clicking in the check-box that appears next to the button which reads ‘’I agree…’’.
- After installation is completed, simply follow the instructions that will be appearing on the screen of your device and click on the ‘’Finish’’ button.
How to download as well as install the drivers of Hp Envy 5055 all-in-one printer on Mac OS devices?
For downloading the driver of Hp Envy 5055 all-in-one printer on Mac OS devices you require supporting Mac operating system that could be anyone of the following :
Mac OS X 10.13
Mac OS X 10.12
Mac OS X 10.9
Mac OS X 10.8
Mac OS X 10.11
Mac OS X 10.10
- The next step includes the downloading of the drivers from “’’ where you can search the drivers yourself or simply click on to download the drivers directly.
- Once you start the downloading process, by clicking the ‘’Download’’ link/button, you will notice that a file name with the extension ‘’.dmg’’ will begin to download on your Mac OS device.
- Once the ‘’.dmg’’ file is downloaded, you click on it and follow the simple and easy instructions that appear on your Mac OS screen. This will complete the installation process and your printer will be ready for use.
- Thereafter, click on the ‘’’.dmg’’ file and follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the installation.
If you experience any issue while installing HP printer and printing, please contact at the toll-free number at +1 (214) 308-0263 or visit for guidance.