Start HP Laptop in safe mode-Windows 10

Start HP Laptop in safe mode-Windows 10

Starting your computer in safe mode is a common troubleshooting technique that can help its easily problematic software or hardware, it runs the system windows with only the basic files and services required. 

You can run HP computer in safe mode two ways:

  • when starting it up
  • After it is already running.

When starting it up

  1. Turn on the computer. If already Started.
  2. Tap the “F8” key of the keyboard continuously, (that on the top row) as soon as the machine begins to boot up.
  3. Press the Down cursor key to select Safe Mode showing option and press the Enter key.

Windows 7 and earlier versions you could turn the machine on in safe mode by pressing the F8 key during startup of windows to display the Advanced Startup menu. Here you could choose to boot the machine into several options of Safe Mode.

Windows 8, Microsoft disabled the F8 key option for displaying the Advanced Startup Menu. Now you have to actually boot the system windows, By selecting Safe Boot in the System Configuration utility (msconfig) and then restart the same PC. That will be an available system to boot into Safe Mode.

HP Laptop to start in safe mode – Windows 10

Windows 10 has the same way by default to start your system in safe mode, but you have the option of enabling the F8 key for booting into Safe Mode if you want. You’ll find instructions for doing below:

If you are missing or unable to press the F8 option to boot into Safe Mode on your Windows 10 machine, you can easily enable it with a simple command line entry.

Enabling the F8 key at Windows Startup will slow down the boot process just, by follow the steps below to force Windows 10 to recognize the F8 key option for booting into Safe Mode: 

  1. Press the Windows key+S key combination to open a Search box.
  1. Type CMD into the Search box then words Command Prompt should pop up in the search results.

3.  Right click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator by drop-down menu. & Click Yes if a User Account Control window appears.

4.  Copy and paste the following highlighted line in command prompt, then press the Enter key: 

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Now will see a message stating The operation completed successfully. else, recheck the entry above and re-paste it after the command prompt.

5.    Click the X at the top-right corner to close the Command Prompt window dialog box.

Now the F8 key should now be enabled for booting into Safe Mode.

And Now when you need to boot your  System into Safe Mode, normally start and press continuously the F8 key before beginning the boot process and until the Advanced Boot Options menu appears.

And Also be able to select Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking to finish booting the system into Safe Mode.

If you experience any issue while installing HP printer and printing, please contact at the toll-free number at +1 (214) 308-0263 or visit for guidance.

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